The Global Need for Solar Ovens
The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that more than 3 billion people lack adequate cooking fuels. (3 billion people is 3,000,000,000 people – nearly 8 times the population of the United States of America.) In developing countries, many people spend as much money on fuel to cook their food as they spend on buying food.Others spend over 40 hours a-week gathering scarce firewood. Total regions have been stripped of trees. Solar cooking has been researched and tested for the past twenty-five years. The Sport is one of the best, low cost solar ovens to come out of this era of research and development. For developing nations that are sun rich and fuel poor, the Solavore Sport Solar Oven can use free sunshine to cook meats, vegetables, breads and cakes and cut down on the need for cooking fires. Cooking fires contribute to deforestation and pollution
There are serious health implications.
This problem affects people everywhere
Kitchens in Zambia are often smoke-filled health hazards to the women and children who use them.
Searching for and gathering firewood takes up to 7 hours a day in some parts of the world.
A Solution: Sunshine & Solar Cookers
The Solavore Sport will:
In Guatemala, a woman with her child cooks indoors over a smoky open fire.